Friday, 10 January 2014

Final Magazine Advert

For the final idea of our magazine advert, we decided to take a landscape shot of our stereotypical dance music character blowing smoke from his mouth. After already producing a portrait magazine advert idea, we thought that this was a better shot and it also goes against the codes and conventions of a typical magazine advert. This conveys the fact that we as a group are attempting to bring something new to the genre, and change the rules. The close up of Dave looking away through the smoke gives a sense of danger and unknown to the reader. We believe that this would help to entice customers to watch the music video, and purchase the single.The reader is immediately drawn to the fact that Dave has his hood up in the picture, but not the whole way. This suggests that he has a sense of style, however he's making it his own. Stereotypically, a teenage male with his hood up gives off bad connotations, therefore this image portrays the fact that our character isn't just a normal, boring teenager. He has a bad side to him which will help promote his image and music. Dave's head is placed in the left side on the picture which gave us a prime opportunity to place our text on the right hand side. This gives a look that Dave is blowing the information out with the smoke. Behind Dave's head a brick wall can be seen, however to the right past the smoke there is a red curtain which conveys our characters journey from poverty to stardom. The 5 star symbol is included to show the reader the success of the song, in hope that it'll intrigue them to listen to it and watch the video. It's printed in red to stand out as that's what will be the major selling pint of this song. The next attention grabbing aspects of the advert are the title 'You Make Me' and the songs artist 'Avicii'. This is because we want this to stick in the readers head. Avicii is a mainstream artist therefore magazine readers will know the name and listen to the song. 'New single' and the small quote from MixMag, a widely read and respected music magazine, are the next eye catching features of the advert. This is because they carry exciting information on the release of the single. "Avicii at his best" written by MixMag massively helps to promote the new single, because all of their readers will see this comment and put their trust into the magazine and purchase it. We have included a Universal Music logo in the bottom right of the advert to comply with their demands, as Avicii is their artist they would like us to include this so our viewers will know. We also added our own company logo for BigDProductions so readers know who made it. We made the company logo and the magazine advert on Adobe CS4. We chose this advert as our final idea because it has a lot of personality and appeal to the main image. It's also a change from the stereotypical dance music genre magazine adverts, which proves to our audience that we have something new to bring the music world. 

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